Web3D 2015 Tutorials and Workshops

X3DOM: Basics & Advanced

Organizers: Alexander Rodopoulos (TEI Crete), Max Limper (Fraunhofer IGD)

Authoring Materials with shade.js

Organizer: Jan Sutter (DFKI), Kristian Sons (DFKI)

This tutorial gives a practical introduction to authoring adaptive materials with shade.js, a JavaScript-based language that compiles to GLSL.

Despite many efforts, it is still not possible to exchange materials between rendering systems. Shade.js is a novel material description language that enables the definition of materials that can adapt to available input parameters and system functionality. With shade.js, authors can create complex appearances including procedural and animated materials without interfering with other concerns of the rendering pipeline. Additionally,shade.js provides a range of predefined BRDFs to configure the lighting. Therefor it is possible to author materials that are portable between different scenes, hardware architectures and rendering approaches.
Shade.js is based on a subset of JavaScript and therefore addresses in particular web developers. The accompanied compiler translates shade.js to highly efficient GLSL code for WebGL, performing automatic optimizations that authors normally do manually.
Course materials can be obtained here: http://xml3d.org/xml3d/slides/web3d­shade­tutorial/
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Three-dimensional Shape Retrieval and Matching

Organizers: Ivan Sipiran (University of Konstanz), Tobias Schreck (University of Konstanz)

Multimedia information is already an important issue in our lives. This can be easily checked by the large amount of information such as images and videos updated daily in social networks. Furthermore, the production of this kind of information has considerably been increased due to the proliferation of capture devices such as digital cameras. Unfortunately, unlike structured data such as text, multimedia information is difficult to be compared directly and therefore we require techniques to manipulate it effectively. In addition, due to its large amount, the efficiency in processes involving multimedia information is also a concern.
The same effect has occurred with three-dimensional information due to the increasing number of 3D shapes which are available on Internet. A good example is the Trimble 3D Warehouse (https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/), which is a multi-purpose repository of 3D objects and scenes from different sources. Also, there is a large amount of potential applications involving 3D data in fields such as engineering, security, medicine, entertainment, and so forth. Furthermore, the recent introduction of cheap 3D capture devices has generated much attention in various fields. Now it is possible to take advantage of 3D data to face some problems as alternative to other media. However, in order to fully understand the 3D data and their advantages, it is increasingly necessary to have processing and analysis tools.
One of the most challenging task is 3D shape matching, or how to compare two 3D models in order to assess the similarity. The purpose of the research in 3D shape matching is to develop similarity models. The goal of this tutorial is to address the problem of comparing two 3D objects based on their shapes. Shape matching refers to the process of finding a correspondence between two shapes based on some similarity criterion. The criterion which has received most attention by the research community is the visual similarity, that is to say, two shapes should be matched if they share visually common features.
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Creating Games Using Castle Game Engine and X3D

Organizer: Michalis Kamburelis (Michalis Kamburelis Software)

Castle Game Engine ( http://castle-engine.sourceforge.net/) is a modern, open-source game engine using X3D as a scene graph,and a main 3D and 2D interchange format. It allows to use a variety of authoring tools to create immersive game environments. In the tutorial we would like to present using the engine to create 3D and 2D games. We believe that the engine is easy enough to learn during a short tutorial, available for everyone with basic programming skills.
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X3D Geospatial

Organizer: Mike McCann (Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute)

This will be a hands-on tutorial with attendees highly encouraged to install the free and open source STOQS software on their laptop before the meeting. Attendees are directed to https://github.com/stoqs/stoqs/tree/django17upgrade for instructions. With the STOQS geospatial database web application running on their own laptops, attendees will be able to inspect and experiment with various X3D Geospatial constructs.
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Share and explore methods of using, enhancing and creating new 3D Web and Multimedia technologies such WebGL and HTML5 (which is a hot topic in Computer Graphics), Flash/ Stage 3D, X3D, COLLADA, and the MPEG family. The conference highlights capabilities and trends in interactive 3D graphics across a wide range of applications and supports research from mobile devices up to high-end immersive environments.

About Us

The Web3D Consortium is a member-funded industry consortium committed to the creation and deployment of open, royalty-free standards that enable the communication of real-time 3D across applications, networks, and XML web services.

The Consortium works closely with the ISO, MPEG and W3C standardization bodies to maximize market opportunities for its membership.

Visit us at web3d.org

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